Saturday, 27 December 2014

Upgrade of the Palatinate Weinsteig, Germany

One of our favourite long distance walks is the Weinsteig that runs along the edge of the hills bordering the Rhine Valley for 170km from near Grünstadt almost to the French border in Wissembourg. This has recently been upgraded by installing picnic tables at a number of viewpoints into the valley.
If you decide to walk in this area however there is some bad news, in that the Pfalzer Wald Verein, the regional walking club, is closing or reducing the hours of opening of its manned huts, where one can obtain refreshment. The problem is due to introduction of a minimum wage in Germany. This will push the costs of paying the volunteers who man the counters and kitchens up by several hundred percent. More information is available in German on: If you decide to walk the route and intend to eat at a PWV hut, then check the opening hours of the club's huts before setting off.