I decided to buy my wife a SILVA step counter for Christmas some years ago. It was a good way of checking how far we walked. It cost around €24. A year later Judith bought me one. The devices fastened to our belts. If the counter was not almost vertical it didn't seem to function well and gave ridiculously low values. We could live with this although it was a bit fiddly.
We went canal boating two years ago and I attached the device to the belt of my old gardening jeans. When we returned it was bit late to garden and so the jeans and the step counter disappeared into the back of my wardrobe. I decided I'd lost it and picked up a low priced counter from Decathlon. The company had just opened a shop in Mannheim. If memory serves me rightly this cost €7 or €8. It didn't function well and was very sensitive to where it was placed on the belt. Decathlon no longer sell this device, at least in Germany. I am not surprised because Decathlon strike me as a company offering good value, decent, well functioning clothes and gear.
I read that the two step counters mentioned above were two dimensional pendulum devices and that three dimensional pendulum devices were superior. We bought to OMRON three dimensional step counters for about €20 apiece. These have the advantage that they can put in pocket, even a shirt pocket or hung on a belt. We are most impressed. The counters deliver similar data to GPS devices. We can recommend them highly.
We have no connection with any of the companies mentioned.